Mount Bachelor ski resort is located in the west of Bend, the biggest city in central Oregon, representing a perfect destination for fun seekers and sports fans.
Widely known for its light, dry snowĀ Mount Bachelor attracts many visitors especially for its skiing areas.
The wild alpine terrainĀ has an average snow-base fromĀ 150 to 200 in/381 to 508 cm and the longest season, starting from November until end of May and even a bit longer when the weather allows it. The ideal scenery is perfect for snowmobile riders, slidingĀ their way through 250 mi/402.34 km of trails around the area of Mt Bachelor.
The enchanting view, the downhill rides, the powder snow and the unexplored forest that can be reached only via snowmobiles, makes Bend one of the best places for snowmobiling. There is so much terrain to cover in this area that you will surely need to come back for more.