Spring Lake is a borough in Monmouth County, New Jersey, United States. The spot is commonly known as the "Jewel of Jersey Shore". New Jersey Monthly magazine ranked it as the 240th best place to live in New Jersey.
Thanks to its historical significance and natural beauty, Spring Lake hosts many visitors every year. Many of them visit this place in order to relax and enjoy their holidays and some others to experience an amazing activity, like bodyboarding. Having the weather conditions in your favor, you just have to try this sport.
Wave quality is regional classic, wave type is sand-bar, wave direction is at right and left, wave bottom is sandy and the wave power is hollow and powerful. The normal wave length is short (50 m/164 ft) and on good days can reach normal (50 to 150 m/164 to 492 ft). The spot is famous for its best northeast swell direction and the swell size starts working at less than 1 m/3 ft and holds up to 3 m+/10 ft+. Best tide position is low and mid tide and the best tide movement is falling tide. The best wind direction is at northwest, west and southwest.
Because of the extremely variable weather of New Jersey, be prepared for 52˚F/11˚C water in July and 75˚F/24˚C air in January. Not only is the spot ideal for water activities, but also offers many fun opportunities to its visitors. Once the sun goes down, let the sea-breeze cool your face and immerse yourself in the unlimited stunning views. If you get to this place, don’t miss to visit the Spring Lake Historical Society’s Museum, which is located at 423 Warren Avenue and many impressive hotels, restaurants and shops.