Kelaria, Parnassos

Kelaria, Parnassos

/ Central Greece Region Greece

It's winter and you are relishing a warm cup of coffee, while your cheeks are burned by the warmth of your fireplace. Suddenly, you drop your cup, you stand up and you feel your body moving keenly. You run quickly to the refrigeration and you put your head inside. Relax, it's not a heart attack but your desire for snowboard in an icy landscape, where there will be only you and the snow.

Fterolakka, Parnassos

Fterolakka, Parnassos

/ Central Greece Region Greece

Parnassos is a mountain in central Greece, towering above Delphi. This mountain of limestone hide natural treasures. The fresh air in combination with the view is something that you'll never forget. The party starts when the first pure veil of snow is falling. Everyone who is addicted to ski, run with passion to Fterolakka, a perfect place for adventure.