Degree in elementary and physical education. She is a climber since 1998 and member of the national team since 2004. She competed in the World Championship and Cup. She was National Champion of Boulder for several years and vice Champion of Lead. Currently she continues competing on Portuguese Championships.
Divides her free time between two great passions: Climbing and Photography.
My goals are to be motivated, to improve my performance, to cure common imbalances and injuries, especially in my fingers and to guarantee a spectacular climbing season.
To find a strong sponsor that would allow me to climb all over the world and to do nothing but workout, would definitely be my greatest achievement.
The climbing is a very demanding sport and it takes dedication to be a climber. Right now, my biggest hardships are to manage my sport activity with my personal and professional life and to guarantee my physical condition.
To workout hard to prepare myself to climb a route or to participate in a competition gives me a good feeling of mission accomplished.
I practice my technique in two different climbing walls in Lisbon. To guarantee my physical condition I go to Fitness Hut gyms and I practice at home.
It is very important to have a very well organized training. There is no such thing as miraculous exercises as all of them together grant a good condition and turn me into a strong athlete.
Just before the beginning of a competition I get very nervous. I am afraid of failing and not being able to supersede an obstacle. Still, as soon as I start to climb nerves disappear, I focus in my performance and I enjoy the moment.
My parents and my boyfriend are, by far, my biggest fans. They have been supporting me since I started climbing and they are my anchor.
The best advice I have been given was to climb just for pleasure and for personal outcome. I have been following this advice all over these 17 years of climbing.
To keep on climbing, to organize my life in order to find more time to practice, to climb and to travel.