In 2001 as a 10 year old boy I fell in love with kiteboarding. Ever since I was dreaming of travelling the world and push the limits of the sport. After finishing school in 2010 I fulfilled my dream and followed the World cup ever since. Winning 3 European and 8 German Titles means a lot to me!
Nevertheless every freeride session or new trick can make me just as happy. During the World cup in 2014 I broke most of the ligaments in my left knee which turned my world upside down for a while. Now I am on my way back and I feel so much motivation and inspiration. Until I learn the new tricks which are popping up in my head I will travel the world and discover new spots.
There is much I want to accomplish but I don’t think of it as a bucket list. Rather I enjoy the process of inspiration and creation. For sure my biggest goal is to come back stronger after my knee injury! Despite that I wish to travel the world and build the best gear for my style of riding.
To land a new trick this year after my enormous knee injury in 2014.
Like any other board sport the level of technique and power multiplied over the past years. For sure it is about keeping up and pushing the limits but it´s also a lot about defining the sport by your very own style.
There are many things which I enjoy to the fullest. Sticking a trick perfectly, a session with your best mate, winning a comp or riding in front of a special scenery can produce a lot of endorphins!
In my head. Riding is way more fun with friends – when I am alone I prefer to visualize tricks in my head.
Most nervous I am when preparing all my gear. I want it to be perfect and also prepared for any conditions – if so I can fully focus and get sharp for the comp.
I guess my parents. Definitely I am their biggest fan.
Don´t give up when making your dreams come true. By my parents.
Get into the best shape ever, travel the world and design incredible gear with Gaastra. Oh – and enjoy every moment of it.