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TSA PreCheck Vs. Clear: Which One is Your Better Travel Partner?

If you are someone who travels frequently through airports, we know what you would like. It is nothing other than an easier and faster checkout at the airport security booths,

High Altitude Preparations: 5 Energy-Boosting Meals to Eat Before a Climb

"Climbing on Rocks"
Your diet has the power to make or break your physical performance. Eating right is essential for everyone’s health, but people who engage in extreme sports rely even more heavily

Improve Your Endurance & Speed – Breathing Techniques for Bike Commuting

Cycling to work or around town is a great alternative to taking your car or public transport, especially as fuel prices soar. The one issue that many new cyclists face

What To Do With A Sports-Related Neck Injury

Participating in sporting activities like football, wrestling, bicycling, gymnastics or surfing can cause a lot of wear and tear to various body parts, especially the neck. For instance, an accidental

Safety Rules That Every Rider Should Follow

As a motorcyclist, it is important to know and obey the safety rules that will keep you safe on the road. These rules are in place for a reason, and

How to buy a surfboard online without getting ripped off

"Surfboard fiji"
If you’re a beginner surfer and need to buy your first surfboard, you may be wondering how you can get the best deal and make sure you don’t get ripped

Extreme Sports To Try in Canada

"Scuba Diver in Lipah Bay"
While most people will enjoy the safety of sandy beaches and hotel resorts, you’re on the lookout for something much more exhilarating. If you’re going to be anywhere in the

Inflatable Paddle Board Vs Solid Paddle Board

Paddle boards are the popular tools used by many to enjoy natural waters. However, a comparison between the inflatable and the solid paddle boards (or the hard paddle boards) in

You Could Be The Night Gamer But Ensure Your Ebike Is Alright 

As we mentioned so many times before, an electric bike is not only used for getting fun from, but also a helpful and convenient transportation way for most of the

A Simple Guide – How To Choose the Right Surfboard If You’re a Beginner?

Are you a beginner surfer? If so, you may be wondering how to choose the right surfboard. It can be tricky, however, with proper preparation, it will pose no issue.

Benefits of Athletic Competition

The feeling of adrenaline that comes with being physically active is often described as an athlete’s high. That sense of energy and urge to carry forward motivate those who compete.

How to Inspect & Clean a Bike Crankset

"Mountain Biker at Canada Olympic Park"
Though a bike has a bunch of parts, the crankset or chain-set is the most essential component of a bike. When you pedal, it converts this reciprocating motion into rotational