Kiteboarding / Kitesurfing in Barra Grande, Cajueiro da Praia, Piaui Brazil

Main wind direction:
Best wind direction:
Wind's speed:
16-25 kn / 18-29 mph
Barra Grande in Piaui, Brazil, on the country's northeast region, is currently the most popular beach for those looking tranquility in a serene paradise, not yet discovered by mass tourism. This is the absolute kitesurf getaway in Brazil, still dedicated to the sacred practitioners of kitesurfing worldwide.

If you are a kitesurf enthusiast, waste no time and visit the incredible spot of Barra Grande as soon as possible. Located at 71 km/44 mi in the east of Parnaiba International Airport, Barra Grande is one of the most famous spots for the experience of kitesurfing.

It is also a perfect place for hosting international kitesurf competitions. Although the spot offers easy access, a 4×4 car is recommended. Barra Grande is a great place for freestyle, freeride, bump & jump, long distance and speed kitesurfing. The spot has crystal clear water and sandy bottom. The main direction of the thermal wind comes from SE and the best wind direction is from SE too.

The wind is relatively side offshore and its speed ranges around 16 – 25 kn / 18- 29 mph. The best period to visit Barra Grande is from July to January. Just a few steps away from the beach, you will find local kitesurfing schools, comfortable hotels and cozy restaurants.

So, try to surpass yourself by performing this thrilling activity at this place, and be sure that it will do its tricks!