Kiteboarding / Kitesurfing in Dewey Beach, Sussex County, Delaware USA

Average wind speed:
16 mph/25.7 kph
Wave Type:
Good swell direction:
Southwest, east
Wind direction:
Northwest, west, southwest
Dewey Beach is an incorporated coastal town in Sussex County, Delaware, United States. The fact that Dewey Beach has been awarded with a 5 star rating for its excellent water quality, attracts many people from every corner of the earth.

During summer seasons, Dewey Beach hosts many visitors and it offers them sandy beaches, family resorts, cozy restaurants, lovely shops and intense nightlife. The spot is also famous for its watersport activities. Kiteboarding, in this place can be enjoyed by both experts and amateurs.

The average wind speed is 16 mph/25.7 kph. The wind direction is coming from northwest, west and southwest. The wave type is beach-break, the wave direction is right and left and the wave bottom is sandy. As for beginners, the spot provides  many schools, where they can take private lessons, and rental shops with the appropriate equipment.

During summer months, it is likely to face difficulties with the parking. In this case, you may have to park on the west side of 1 and walk a little bit. After your thrilling activity, you can continue having fun either by exploring this amazing place or by tasting excellent cuisine.