Kiteboarding / Kitesurfing in Nantasket Beach, Hull, Massachusetts USA

Swell direction:
East, Southeast, Northeast
Best wind direction:
West, Southwest, Northwest
Swell size:
1-3 m/3-9 ft
Nantasket beach is located in Hull, Massachusetts, a popular destination among the city's residents, especially during summer period.

It is a sandy, flat beach, mixed up with some rocks and with quite cold water, thus you will probably need a wetsuit especially when windy. Highest water temperature is in August, but you can find some good, long waves mostly in winter. The beach is rarely crowded so you will have plenty of room to surf here.

The waves are suitable for all levels of experience and work best at mid tide with swell starting to work at 1 m/3 ft reaching up to more than 3 m/9 ft.Ā Optimum swell direction is East,Ā Southeast andĀ Northeast and best wind directions come from West, Southwest and Northwest.

Once you are here, visit Hull to see all of the city attractions and historical sites. Surely you can find descent accommodation and restaurants here, but bear in mind that Boston is only a few miles away, practically half an hour long, Ā in case you are looking for more options.