Roquetas de Mar, Almeria
Roquetas de Mar is a municipality, located in the west of Almeria province. It is the most popular town of Almeria, with direct coastal access to the Mediterranean Sea.
Strasbourg is also a big adrenaline attraction. Skate Boarding is a sport, performed everywhere in Strasbourg. Skate boarders are identified across the city, rolling on everything that can be rolled. The perfect place to practice skateboarding is The Skatepark Strasbourg – Cronenbourg.
It is one of the most beautiful parks in the region, conceived and designed by David Mougin, the younger brother of Nicolas Mougin, the world amateur ramp champion for the year 2003/2004. The park that is also called The Rotunda is one of the most successful in urban Strasbourg.
It consists of a half pyramid with a lateral curve, a small jump table with a central rail, a middle rail, a mini boom, launcher combining ramps, curves, quarters, flat surfaces, inclined planes, a half pyramid surrounded by a ledge and a module quarter angle that makes a nice curve.
The whole complex is guarded and supervised on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays by Bruno. It is a wonderful park kind of a landmark between skateboarders.