Bottineau Winter Park, Bottineau
Bottineau Winter Park is a modest alpine ski area that sits in the Turtle Mountains of north-central North Dakota. It is located only 10 mi (16 km) north of Bottineau.
Red Mountain invites all those people who want to escape from the daily routine and enjoy themselves in all fields. So, visit this place and feel the adventure of snowboarding take you away.
Red Mountain offers a skiable area of 1685 ac (6.82 km²), a vertical drop of 2919 ft (880 m), a top elevation of 6807 ft (2073 m) and a base elevation of 3888 ft (1185 m). Choose to exercise your favorite sport in one of the 88 trails, which are tailored to cover all levels of ability. 15% of trails are designed for beginners, 40% for advanced snowboarders and the other 45% of trails are at experts disposal.
With the aid of a well- skilled staff, beginners will be able to perform their winter activity without fear. The longest run is 23760 ft (7242 m) and the annual snowfall reaches at 300 in (762 cm). The spot also provides 1 quad chair, 2 triple chairs, 1 double terrain, 1 surface t-bar and 1 surface “Red” Carpet with lift capacity 7,500 people per hour.
Having all these useful information, the only thing left to do is to give yourself the opportunity to feel what is called, best holidays.