Surfing in Lecount Hollow Beach, Cape Cod, Massachusetts USA

Best wind direction:
Swell direction:
Lecount Hollow is another exposed beach of Massachusetts, which means that there is good wind for surfers all year round.

It is close toĀ Otis Angb (Falmouth) Airport making it easily accessible, but it provides a relatively small parking, so one may have to find a parking spot at the beaches nearby. The ideal windĀ direction comes from the west and regarding swellĀ the northeast.

Optimal when low tide but be aware of the rips and fog at periods with very calm wind, because it can get dangerous. On the other hand, when there is not too much wind, waves are easy to handle and that is why beginners can practice their surfing skills.

Other than that, the spotĀ equally represents a fun ride for more experienced surfers. On a good day, people are surfing all over the place which makes it even more fun and if needed, you can find all the help you can get.

In case you are looking for a place to stay or eat and spend some time when you are not surfing, Wellfleet is the right place, providing the visitors with all the relevant facilities and services, only at 3.5 mi/5.6 km away from the beach.