Wind Surfing in Hurghada Bay, Red Sea Governorate,
Water average temperature:
26.2°C/79.15°F, April to October
Air average temperature:
38°C/100.4°F, April to October
Average Winds :
18 knots/33.3 kph May to October
Hurghada is situated in the Red Sea, in the southwest part of Egypt. Discovered the last decades as a top summer destination, Hurghada Bay boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in the Red Sea, ideal spots for wind surfing.
Hurghada is a woldwide known top wind surfing destination. The mild, dry climate and the constant winds make the spot ideal for wind surfing for a long period. The winds blow from mainland  in direction south-west and the absence of mountains or hills makes them stronger.
Alongside of Hurghada’s coastline a land corridor resembling a lagoon offers calm waters and secure wind surfing conditions. During September the winds are getting till to 25 knots/46.3 kph and it is the best month for wind surfing in the area.