Dolomiti Super Fly is a unique and international hike and fly race that takes place from May 28 to June 03 2017 through the stunning Dolomiti Mountain range in Levico Therme.

The Dolomiti Syper Fly race is a paragliding and hiking adventure inspired by the X-Alps race but rules make it more accessible. Athletes participating, are challenged to cross the Dolimiti Alps by paragliders or on foot and pass through seven defined turnpoints as fast as possible.

What makes this challenge special is that the design of the path participants will follow, is up to them! They must consider the topography, time, fitness and meteorology to complete the route in seven days. Only those who are willing to overcome their limits can win the race.
Dolomiti Super Fly is open to all adventure paragliders who seek a fascinating challenge.

Program of the race:
- May 27, 2017, Briefing (MANDATORY)
- May 28, 2017, 10 am – START
- May 28, 2017, 20:30 – stop day 1
- 29-30-31 May 1 to 2 June 2017, from 7.00 to 20.30 days of competition
- June 3, 2017, from 7 to 14 last day of competition
- June 3, 2017, 14:00 end of the race
- June 3, 2017, 18:00 awards

To be considered achieved, the turnpoint must be traversed in flight or on foot.
The radius of the turnpoint is 200 meters
- START: Square in Levico Terme – Trento – Italy (altitude 500 m)
- B: Refuge Dal Piaz (altitude 1933m)
- C: Col Rodella (altitude 2375 m)
- D: Plan de Corones (altitude 2275m)
- E: Doss del Sabion (altitude 2071m)
- F: Panarotta-Vetriolo Terme (altitude 1450m) (End of race time)
- GOAL: Levico Terme at Big Fish (altitudine 450 m)
Click here for registration and here for the rules of the race
See you in the Dolomiti Mountains!