Methven, South Island
Methven is a small town in Canterbury region in the South Island. It is only 1.5 hrs drive at the west of Christchurch, the second largest city of New Zealand and is situated close to Mount Hutt, in the heart of Southern Alps.
Göreme area is a remote town in central Turkey, well-known for the particular rock sites, called ‘Hoodoo’ or fairy chimney, gracing in the greater area. These tent rock formations are an open air museum crossing over the region. This exceptional zone in the last decade became the ‘mekka’ of the hot air ballooning. With more than ninety schools operating in the area, hot air ballooning finds the just right spot to be practiced.
The panorama of the Red Valley, the vineyards and the magnificent landscape make the flight unforgettable. Usually these flights maintain low altitude giving the opportunity to the riders for amazing photos and images. The altitude never exceeds 610 m/2000 ft of height. During winter season, the weather conditions make difficult these flights and it is safer not to make any attempt.