Glencoe mountain resort is near a small village, named Glencoe too. It is situated in the Highlands of Scotland. Glencoe is a well organized tourist center that offers a wide variety of facilities and accommodation options to its visitors.
Glencoe mountain resort is one of the most worthwhile in the Highlands of Scotland. Although it is not a poor alpine imitation, it is far less crowded than others because of its remote location and thus its difficult accessibility. Speed flying is supported by the spot as an extreme activity and this small natural fun park promises an unforgettable experience.
Speed flyers in Glencoe are able to use the pistes, which are in total over 18km/11 miles. In winter, the process is as per below: each speed flyer should notify the resort of what exactly he/she intends to do and obtain their consent. Then, the ski patrol on the hill gets in contact with the speed flyer, in order to jointly decide the area of taking off, flying above and landing. This is very important in order to avoid accidents.
What all speed flyers should bear in mind about speed flying in Scotland, is the unpredictable weather conditions. A wind speed anemometer is always necessary, because of the unstable winds.