Oberhausen, Ruhr Area
Oberhausen is situated on the river Emscher in the Ruhr area, Germany. The city is nestled between Duisburg and Essen. It is famous for the biggest mall in Europe, Centro.
The Bungy Tower was established in 1990 in order to provide the best possible experience to all fearless bungee-lovers out there!
The school on spot gives the opportunity to everyone to try this adventurous extreme sport, since it offers 16 different jump styles. So no matter the experience you may have, the well-qualified instructors can reassure your safety and fun!
If you want to push your adrenaline a little further, just buy your ”ticket” and enjoy the adrenaline rush!!! The price is 169$ in which are included: One bungee jump, one pair of jumpers only tee, one bungee jump e-certificate and one of the school’s International Membership.
The height of the Tower is 50m/164ft and there are 196 stairs to the top. The jumping styles are categorized in three levels. Level 1 includes the swan dive, the titanic, water touch, pendulum and tanderm. Level 2 is all about backward elevator, forward elevator, blindfold, roof jump and back dive. Level 3 includes Handstand, Forward Flip, Fruit Bat, Bar Drop, BMX (the only site that offers a BMX jump off the Tower roof) and XXXRated.
The minimum jump age is 10 years old and the minimum jump weight 45 kg/99 lb. Of course, those who are under 18 years old, require parental consent.
You need to inform the crew for any medical condition you may have such as high blood pressure, heart conditions, diabetes, pregnancy, epilepsy, dislocations, neurological disorders, vertigo etc.
One of the many pro’s of this spot is that jumps are offered to people in wheelchairs, people with limited or no eyesight and many other cases. So come and experience an unforgettable adventure!!!