Skydiving in Aérodrome de Spa La Sauvenière, Brussels, Brussels Capital Region Belgium

Airport opening months:
March to November
Altitudes: Lowest / Usual / Highest:
1200 m (3937 ft) / 3962 m (12999 ft) / 4572 m (15000 ft)
Minimum parachite opening / Ground:
800 m (2625 ft) / 480 m (1575 ft)
Wind Speed / clouds :
light < 16 knots (30 kph) / sometimes cloudy
Hook Turns:
Brussels (officially as Brussels Capital Region or Brussels Region) is the capital city of Belgium and the de facto capital of European Union. Brussels is the biggest urban area in the entire Belgium and comprises 19 municipalities, counting the City of Brussels which is the de jure capital of Belgium, additionally to the seat of the Flemish community and the French community of Belgium. The City of Brussels is located in valley of the Sean River, a small branch of the Schelde.

One of the coolest skydiving variations is freeflying. The procedure is the same. The difference is at the freefall time where you can try many different styles such as head down, sitting and many others.  One of the best places where you can freefly near Brussels is in Aérodrome de Spa La Sauvenière.

Aérodrome de Spa La Sauvenière is one of the oldest drop-zones in Europe since the first jump has been performed in the 1960’s. The infrastructure is great and the surroundings just beautiful.  Owners of the airport are associations that manage the place in a relaxed and normal atmosphere. The airport is in full time operation from March to November, having accumulated approximately 28.000 jumps in its credit.

When you arrive at the spot, you will be provided with the necessary equipment like helmet, altimeter, glasses, jump suits and radio. Canopies rental is made by jump and the available are beginners and experienced canopies. The airport is not so big, so there won’t be any airfield traffic than a few people. The next step is to get on the plane.

The available plane models are a Cessna Grand Caravan that needs 22 minutes to reach at 4000 m / 13123 ft above the ground and a Cessna Caravan that needs the same time to reach the specific altitude. They differ in terms of capacity as the first one offers room for 18 people while the second one for 14.

The altitude is up to you to choose, depending on the level of experience and the kind of adventure you want to live. After a life changing freefall and the amazing view of forests and many cities below, you will land on the landing field where hook turns are allowed.  The landing field is made of grass and its size is several stadiums.

On the landing point, you will find a few emergency clear spaces.  If you want to conquer the sky in a totally different way, these is the sport and the place for you to be. Bear in mind that you will need to make a reservation first.