Backpacking / Trekking in Sourgrass, Angels Camp, California USA

1.5 mi/2.4 km
Elevation changes:
200 ft/61 m
Bear Valley is a ski area located near Angels Camp, on highway 4, between Lake Tahoe and Yosemite, approximately 3 hours southeast of Sacramento, California, USA.

Near Bear Valley lies Ebbetts Pass, which is perfect for Backpacking. Day rides can vary from unstrained, quarter mile rides to full day excursions on strenuous mountain peaks. One of the best rides is Sourgrass. It is a 1.5 mi/2.4 km, one way, long, old, four wheel, dirt road.

The elevation changes are 200 ft/61 m. The path begins at the Day Use area, at Sourgrass and goes up at the side of North Fork Stanislaus River. During spring, it’s a beautiful sight to watchĀ the rushing water of the river, always from a safe distance. When summer comes, the spot is perfect for fishing, because of the riffles and summer pools.

Near the river you can find a secluded spot to have a picnic. You can camp near the river or Sourgrass Meadow. If you need more information call Sourgrass Camping.