The Narvau Gorges, Parc de Morvan
Located just at the gateaway of the Canton de Lormes in Nievre, Burgundy, the gorges of Narvau, within the Parc de Morvan, is an excellent location for rock climbing fans, especially for children.
Home  > MOUNTAIN SPORTS  > Rock Climbing  > Cannon Mountain: Northwest Ridge, Wenatchee
Cannon Mountain is located in Stewart Range, on the West edge of the Lost World Plateu. Access to Cannon Mountain is quite challenging since there is no existing trail, taking you directly to the mountain. The route is long and brushy and you walk through old burned trees.
The top elevation of the peak is at 8638ft/2632 m and the best time to visit, is during spring. The skill level required for this climb is class II-III, and is suitable for beginners, but a good physical condition is essential. The Northwest Ridge climb is easy, offering an exciting snow climb on a remote location, with breathtaking views of the surrounding summits once you reach the top.
As you follow the ridge, there are large granite blocks with rock hard ice and you have to explore the area and avoid difficult sections. Cannon Mountain is not a popular destination for mountain climbers, due to the overall difficulty to approach it. It is though an exciting adventure with lots of exploration in an amazing scenery. Take a map and a compass, ice axe and crampons with you.
Located just at the gateaway of the Canton de Lormes in Nievre, Burgundy, the gorges of Narvau, within the Parc de Morvan, is an excellent location for rock climbing fans, especially for children.
Baviaanskloof area lies between the Baviaanskloof and the Kouga mountain ranges. It is approximately at 120km/74mi in the west of Port Elizabeth Town in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa.
Latok is a small cluster of dramatic rock peaks, belonging to the Panmah Muztagh and being a part of the central Karakoram range in Pakistan. The cluster lies in the east of the Ogre group which is dominated by Baintha Brakk.
Torres del Paine is located in Southern Patagonia and is one of the numerous spectacular national parks in Chile. It was created in 1959 and UNESCO has listed the location as a Biosphere Reserve since 1978. This place is a wonderland for nature enthusiasts from all over the world.
Torres del Paine is located in Southern Patagonia and is one of the numerous spectacular national parks in Chile. It was created in 1959 and UNESCO has listed the location as a Biosphere Reserve since 1978. This place is a wonderland for nature enthusiasts from all over the world.
Wenatchee is the largest city of Chelan County, located in North Central Washington and lies on the west side of the Columbia River. The city is also known as the Apple Capital of the world, due to the valley's many apple cultivations.
Wenatchee is the largest city of Chelan County, located in North Central Washington and lies on the west side of the Columbia River. The city is also known as the Apple Capital of the world, due to the valley's many apple cultivations.
Wenatchee is the largest city of Chelan County, located in North Central Washington and lies on the west side of the Columbia River. The city is also known as the Apple Capital of the world, due to the valley's apple cultivations.
Wenatchee is the largest city of Chelan County, located in North Central Washington and lies on the west side of the Columbia River. The city is also known as the Apple Capital of the world, due to the valley's many apple cultivations.
Wenatchee is the largest city of Chelan County, located in North Central Washington and lies on the west side of the Columbia River. The city is also known as the Apple Capital of the world, due to the valley's many apple cultivations.
Wenatchee is the largest city of Chelan County, located in North Central Washington and lies on the west side of the Columbia River. The city is also known as the Apple Capital of the world, due to the valley's many apple cultivations.
Wenatchee is the largest city of Chelan County, located in North Central Washington and lies on the west side of the Columbia River. The city is also known as the Apple Capital of the world, due to the valley's many apple cultivations.
Wenatchee is the largest city of Chelan County, located in North Central Washington and lies on the west side of the Columbia River. The city is also known as the Apple Capital of the world, due to the valley's apple cultivations.
Wenatchee is the largest city of Chelan County, located in North Central Washington and lies on the west side of the Columbia River. The city is also known as the Apple Capital of the world, due to the valley's many apple cultivations.