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Are you getting enough sleep? Experts recommend at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night for adults. But that may not be feasible for everyone.

Fortunately, the answer to getting enough sleep and improving your sleep quality is simple – an active lifestyle.

Active lifestyles are great for your overall health and can also help promote healthy sleep habits. If you want quality sleep, the answer may lie in what you do throughout the day.

So if you’ve been putting off exercising regularly, keep reading. Here are six reasons why you should get moving.

6 Reasons to Get Moving for Better Sleep Quality

Regular exercise keeps your body healthy. But did you know that it can also affect how well you sleep? The sleep-wake cycle is tied to your physical activity. Take a look at the ways your lifestyle may affect your sleeping habits.

1. Active People Sleep Better

Do you need a reason to get active? How about a better night’s sleep? According to the National Sleep Foundation, more than ¾ of the active people in their poll reported their sleep quality as very good. In comparison, only a little over half of non-active people reported the same.

2. Insomniacs Benefit from Vigorous Exercise

If you find it hard to drift off at night, you’re not alone. Up to 35% of adults have experienced at least brief symptoms of insomnia. And 10% of adults have chronic insomnia disorder that lasts at least three months and happens at least three times a week.

Furthermore, one study estimated a loss of $63 billion in work performance for the entire U.S. workforce due to this condition each year. But it turns out that vigorous exercise can help.

People who exercise vigorously had the fewest reported insomnia symptoms.

3. Non-Active People Are Sleepiest and Have High Risk for Sleep Apnea

If you don’t exercise, you probably feel “sleepy” often. Especially in comparison to those with active lifestyles. In addition, people who are not active are more likely to develop sleep apnea than people who get moving throughout the day.

For sedentary people, the risk is as high as 44% to develop this sleep condition. However, if you exercise lightly, you can reduce the risk to 26%.

4. Moving Often Is Associated with Better Health and Sleep

Everyone knows that a sedentary lifestyle is unhealthy. But did you know that it may affect your sleep quality too? As it turns out, those who sit less than 8 hours a day are more likely to report high sleep quality than those who do.

5. Exercising in Natural Light Helps Establish Sleep-Wake Cycles

People who like to get outdoors may also benefit from a restful sleep. This is because natural light can help your body to establish a healthy sleep-wake cycle.

However, you don’t necessarily need to get outside. Exercising in the morning or afternoon helps you drop off at night.

When you exercise, your body temperature rises by a few degrees. But later in the day, your internal temperature will drop back to normal levels. And that may lead to drowsiness, which makes it easier to fall asleep.

6. Exercise Reduces Stress Levels

Everyone knows that stress can wreak havoc on your life. Your physical, emotional, and sleep life are in jeopardy when you’re stressed out all the time. And high-stress levels can make it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep during the night.

However, a regular exercise routine can help with this. Experts found that physical exercise can help anxiety regulation. And that, in turn, can help with your nightly sleep quality.