Extreme Sports Vs Family Worries
If you have ‘that’ friend or relative who just loves all outdoors adventures and extremes, you are probably worried to death about what sort of life lies ahead for them. If your friend’s sport falls under the “extreme sports” category, then your worries must be multiplied by a lot! If we are talking about family members, then even more. The ‘Extreme Sports Vs Family Worries’ discussion is an ongoing one in the extreme sports community.
Undoubtedly, watching – or even worse, witnessing – an athlete crash brings terror to your mind. If you are not next-of-kin to the person involved nor a friend, it’s hard not to think of that person’s mother, or wife, or husband. Are they watching too? Are they about to get “that” phone call? Extreme sports are often harder on the people surrounding the athlete than the athlete himself.
If you aren’t professionally involved into an extreme sports job, it’s hard to understand and maintain calmness when considering of the daily risks that a professional extreme sports athlete takes. Actually it’s hard to understand that they are actually not taking as much as a risk as you may believe. Being a professional extreme sports athlete requires more than just the desire to exceed your body’s and mind’s limits on a constant basis. Being a professional extreme sports athlete requires a great deal of intelligence.
To professional extreme sports athletes, their job is the same as for all. They have to do their best to perform well, the best possible actually as their lives depend on it, because that’s what’s keeping the roof over their and their family’s heads. They just happen to do for a living what they absolutely adore. Take extreme sports away from them and you’re taking their lives. Taking risks and conquering fear after fear is part of who they are. Control and self-confidence is a key factor to what they do.
For a professional extreme athlete, success doesn’t come with jeopardizing their well being by taking inconsiderate risks. Knowing and respecting the limits of their body and of each situation is what makes every successful athlete as successful as he is. In the case of extreme sports athletes this, admitedly, can make people nervous, for no other reason other than they don’t quite grasp how well calculated to the last bit everything is.
Well before professional extreme sports athletes hit the slope or grab their skate or bike etc, they have spent countless of hours on developing the precise, as well as the collateral, strength points required for their sport. They have spent hours and hours cross training, developing skills, discovering the limitations of their sport and putting these limitations under tests in contained, at first, environments.
What we witness in competitions is the result of many years of hard work, focus, excellent nutrition and dedication. Therefore, as extreme a sport is, as smart and hardworker the athlete. Next time you find yourselves standing on the sidelines, watching extreme sports, remember that these people you see are not risking their lives, but merely repeat what they’ve been practicing for a very long time. Accidents happen in all workplaces and can be as dangerous and life-threatening as any sports accidents can be.
Train hard and stay safe!