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Fighting sports have become increasingly more popular in the last decade. Although this has been around for some time, nowadays people are more aware of what disciplines are available and they have a better understanding and increased acceptance of this sport. Fighting sports are much more than violence – it is about technique, physical form, and self-discipline. You can take part simply for the fun of it, or to give you the peace of mind that you will be able to defend yourself should anything happen.

You may be aware that individuals that fight do not wear just any type of clothes. Evidently, for most fighting disciplines you will need an appropriate GI to make you look and feel your best. Choosing the appropriate one can be overwhelming. In this article, we will advise you on how to choose the ideal GI for a fighting sport.

Sizes Differ From Brand to Brand

One of the things you need to consider when buying your GI is the size. You may not be aware of this, but the clothes you wear will have a significant impact on your body movement. Considering that you need to move when fighting in an MMA discipline, your GI can contribute to the outcome of the fight. Getting the appropriate size is more difficult than it seems because every brand makes different sizes. A size medium GI for one brand will be different from a medium GI for a different brand; therefore you must consider this before purchase.

Research and Review

Different companies sell different types of Gi – this does not mean one is better than the other, but certainly, not all will be the appropriate one for you. You may choose to check each brand’s website to find out more about the GI they sell and read reviews on it of people that have used it before. This will give you an idea of what uniform to invest in for yourself. Although everyone’s experiences differ and individuals may want different things, you may learn more about what to look for by reading other people’s reviews.

Weight and Composition

If you are a beginner in any fighting sport, you may not be aware that the fabric of the GI has an impact on its weight. Generally, you can buy a single or double weave Gi. Single weave uses less fabric, hence it will feel lighter on your body. The weight and composition of the Gi will depend on your needs and what you want. Some people opt for double weave as they feel that it lasts longer, whilst others prefer single weave as they feel light and they do not restrict your movement. Additionally, you must consider the weather and temperatures when you train. You will feel hot whenever training regardless of the season, but you may prefer a lighter Gi if you are training in the hot Summer weather.

Brand and Styling

Style is important, and it is understandable that you may not want to look the same as everyone else when fighting. When choosing your own Gi, you may want to find something different and unique. You can look for a brand that offers customization or that releases one limited edition Gis. If you do this, you will certainly stand out from the rest of your competition. Although this may not be a requirement for the sport, it may give you the boost in confidence that you need to win.

Try Them On

We mentioned previously the need to do your own research and read reviews, however, the work does not stop here. You should try the Gi on in person before you buy it. If possible, go to a store and try on different types. This will help you decide on what is best for you. It can be easy to buy the clothing that you think looks good, particularly if it has positive reviews online. But the way you feel and move around in the Gi should be your priority. This way you can assess how good your movement is and how you would feel whilst train.


The cost of the Gi is not always the most important factor but we understand that you may not want to splurge on a Gi unless you are doing this professionally. There are brands that make cheaper Gis, although you may have to replace these every few months due to poor quality, which will end up being more costly.

Competition vs Training

If you are interested in competition, make sure to check the guidelines of what Gi you are expected to wear. You may have to invest in a good quality Gi just for competition. If this is the case, we recommend you invest in a cheaper Gi for training and a more expensive one for competition only.

Choosing your Gi can be overwhelming, particularly when you have no previous experience or knowledge in the field. Make sure to follow the tips above as they will help you choose the best Gi for a fighting sport.