Speed Up Injury Recovery With Prolotherapy Injections
Understanding Prolotherapy
As technology progresses, so does the science behind medicine and treatment. Modern medicinal techniques can cure almost all types of ailments now. Though many cases require surgery only as an option, there are still many healing agents in our body which when retargeted can help the body heal faster. When the healing agents are activated, they repair the damaged tissues and soon enough the tissues can be brought back to full health.
Prolotherapy is the technique of retargeting the healing agents that are already present in our bodies to help quicker repair joint damages and ease the pain. These treatments can vary between 4 to 6 weeks depending on the severity of the injury and the time that is taken for the growth of new tissues. Though often the pain ebbs soon enough after the first treatment, it is used in smaller doses so as not to cause any adverse effects.
Prolotherapy injections involve using a base solution of Dextrose which causes long-lasting pain relief caused by injuries. This remarkable therapy is provided by Orlando Prolotherapy via injections that can provide timely recovery from injuries. As each treatment is personalized as per their injury, solutions are added or changed to provide sufficient healing and promote collagen growth.
How Do Prolotherapy Injections Work
The Prolotherapy injections are applied around or on the affected area. The dextrose solution in it irritates the injected area and this stimulates the healing mechanism. As the process progresses, new tissues are formed in the infected area. This therapy can be used on knee and shoulder joints too. It may require a few injections which are spaced out over a couple of weeks to give the tissues enough time to regenerate and heal.
This therapy has proven to be effective for many patients who have joint pains. It can improve ligaments that are torn on the ankle and knees. This is a more cost-effective option and also more popular as it is non-invasive.
To enhance the effect of this therapy your doctor will advise you on the needed exercises to strengthen the affected body part as it prepares to heal itself.
Are Prolotherapy Injections An Alternative to Surgery
Many patients keep surgery as the last option. Not only is it invasive but also it costs a lot and the time for recovery is unpredictable. In cases of chronic pain due to tissue damage, Prolotherapy injections are an impactful alternative to surgery. Not only does it offer quick pain relief but also costs less and the recovery period is quicker.
However, there are certain cases where surgery is the only solution. This can be in cases where the injury is severe and require immediate surgery to prevent the condition to worsen. This is only done when the case present is of an extreme level. When the circumstances are not of such an urgent nature, most doctors consider conservative options rather than advising the patient to undergo surgery. While some patients may easily benefit from prolotherapy, others might need a different route of treatment. It is best advised to take expert opinion to be able to return to a pain-free life in the best manner.