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Whether or not you’ve been enjoying your most recent golfing sessions, you must have thought about ways to make it better. Lucky for you, there is always a way you can have more fun. When it comes to golf, it’s all about clubs, gadgets, and accessories. The following items will not only make your golf game more fun, but they will also help you improve as a golfer.

Distance Finder

If you want to play like the pros, you’ve got to gear up like the pros, and this little gadget isn’t just a useful tool that will help you sink the ball in fewer strokes, but it can also make for an overall better golfing experience. A distance finder helps you measure the distance to the hole, whether from any point on the field or from where you’re standing. However, the latter part depends on the type of finder you are using. GPS finders act the same way an offline map does.

After uploading the course on your GPS, you’ll be able to see everything and pinpoint the exact starting point from which you want to measure distance. On the other hand, a laser finder requires a point and press mechanism. It means that you’ll need for your targeted object to be in view before you point your laser device at it and press the button for an accurate read.

Divot Tool

Regardless of whether you are a nature lover or someone who appreciates a neat-looking course, you would want to have this tool with you on your next game. We all know how much the grass on a golf course suffers, from swing scrapes to ball landings. The damage is not only superficial, it also affects the grassroots. Fortunately, there’s a way to fix the damage almost instantly, and it’s called a divot tool. By inserting the palm-sized tool into the raised grass behind a mark and pushing forward, you’d be filling the indentation and leveling the grass, thus repairing the damage caused. While it might make you spend a little more time on each hole, you’ll end up feeling overwhelmingly good about yourself. Fixing your own divots is a service to those working on the course, the players behind you, and mother nature itself.

The Right Putter

If you don’t bring your putter with you on a regular basis, you need to do some re-evaluating. A putter is an essential club to keep around for a multitude of reasons. A good putter can do wonders for your short game, your score, and your confidence. Meanwhile, a poorly-chosen putter is nothing but one more added obstacle that you can do well without. That being said, there are a lot of characteristics that put putters like these on the top of the list. Meaning, choosing a putter isn’t a quick job. It’s simple, yet requires a lot of research. The length of your putter can greatly affect your stance and, in turn, your accuracy as it can either keep you comfortable or require you to change your stance to compensate for length. The weight of the putter dictates how it will feel in your hand when swinging. Other factors include loft, type of balance, and type of grip. Take your time, choose the right putter, and you will instantly see the difference.

Bug Spray

No one likes waking up with bug bites. Even worse, no one likes living with the knowledge that, as they’re standing, talking, laughing, and golfing, some pesky mosquitos are feasting on their blood. Don’t get it wrong, not all golf courses are bug-infested. There are many golf courses where you’re guaranteed not to find any bugs, and if you play on those, you won’t need to worry. However, insect population and activity differ greatly depending on the time of day, season, and location. Because the last thing you want to do while calculating your shot or back swinging is stop and scratch, it’s highly recommended that you invest in bug spray. It will save your life, especially on a new course.

Shoe Bag

Golf shoes go through a lot of surfaces. If you thought that a dog bringing a little mud into your house is bad, you’re going to want to think twice about how your golf shoes will damage your car. After hours of going through sand, dirt, and mud, you are going to want to switch to your regular shoes once you’re out of the course. With a shoe bag, you can safely store your walking shoes while you play and keep the dirt-caked golf shoes from dirtying your car on the drive home. Other than the fact that a shoe bag will save you a lot of money on car cleanups, especially if you have a fancy car, it will also allow you the liberty of changing footwear without having to go back to your house.

Golf Sunglasses

Believe it or not, when Tiger Woods wears a special pair of golf glasses, it’s not because he feels the need to validate himself as a golfer. It’s because you can’t play golf with regular sunglasses without missing out on crucial details. Given that a golfer’s greatest tools are his eyes, you need a pair of sunglasses that will not affect your depth perception, your color perception, or your ability to track the ball. That’s why, if you are planning on wearing sunglasses on the field, make sure they are designed for golfing. That way, you won’t ever have to choose between scorched eyes and a mortifying game.

There is a lot that can make your golfing experience more fun, but with all these options, how does one make a choice? Start with your needs. Some items can make your experience more enjoyable, others can save you from a struggle. You’ll want the latter before the former. In the same way you won’t go buying shoes for someone with a broken foot, so don’t focus on luxury if you don’t have the necessity. Once you’ve acquired the necessities, make your way through the auxiliary accessories.