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You might have come across an MP4 file a couple of times while going through your files or browsing the web. But have you ever tried to figure out what it actually is?

One thing you probably know is that it’s a format used for videos. Even so, how does it differ from others, and what benefits can you get from it?

Here’s your guide to the basics of the MP4 file format!

What Is MP4?

To start, an MP4 file is a common format that turns video content into smaller file sizes. Its popularity makes it one of the options you can easily access across platforms and software.

With these features, you can say an MP4 video file is one of the most portable multimedia formats available. It’s also good to note that it differs from MP3 files despite the similar name since it contains video and an MP3-only store’s audio content.

Even so, you can still store only audio using the MP4 file format but cannot use the MP3 format if you want to include video.

Opening an MP4 File

Many video content uses the MP4 file format, so most video players support it, online and offline. It means there’s most likely no need to install additional software to open them.

You can easily access it by double-clicking or tapping your video and letting your device’s default viewer do its work. You can also upload them onto different platforms with ease as long as they reach the size limit.

Benefits of an MP4 File Format

The key to getting the most out of the file format is knowing the benefits it offers. The advantages you can get from MP4 video files include the following:

Small Storage Consumption

One thing you want to know about MP4 videos is that they have high compression. And so it keeps the file size small without risking the quality too much. In most cases, it can retain the original quality.

Standard Format

MP4 is one of the standard formats for video content, so most platforms accept it. As a result, you can access it almost anywhere and store it on any digital device.

Convenient Sharing

Although it varies based on size, it’s easier to share MP4 video files across platforms. You can attach it to emails, social media posts, and messages and upload them to different file-sharing spaces, like Drive or YouTube.

Easy Conversion

Many find it easier to convert an MP4 video to different file formats. This way, you can use it for several purposes in different places. You can even convert mp4 to gif in a couple of clicks.

Editing Options

An excellent advantage you can get from using an MP4 file format is the editing perk. When you access it as an MP4, you can edit videos on different platforms before posting them and converting them into DVDs.

Learn About the MP4 File Format to Maximize the Benefits

There’s a lot you can get from using an MP4 file format for videos if you know what it’s all about! A few things you want to note include its space consumption and convenience.

If you want to learn more informative topics, you can check out the rest of our blog!

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