You Got Lost?
You got lost? Too many things you want to explore, too little time to look for it? Now, you can leave that to us! Our new “Booking” system, featured on the top right hand side on our home page, is the way to do things!

You got lost? Everything about extreme sports activities all over the world under one roof: XtremeSpots
Our reservation platform has already been launched and it is online. It includes schools of all sorts of extreme sports from acknowledged schools and instructors all around the world.
On our home page you can browse by sport and/or country to find activity packages and prices that best suit your next adventure. See something you like? Click on “Book Now”, follow a few simple steps and we will bring you in touch with the school providing the activity you like in your preferred area.
If you are looking to book an activity in a specific area but can’t find what you’re looking for, we – again – take care of your query! Email us your request and we’ll get back to you with information and prices that best suit your needs!
If you know of a school or if you have a school and you would like to be featured on our website, you can also “Add your school” via our website and our team will contact you and make this happen, free of charge!
With the information provided, we will create a small “About us” section for your school, including your logo as well as directions on how to get there. You can promote all the packages/services you provide, as well as full packages including extreme sport courses with accommodation/transportation and/or other services provided.