Mount Trashmore Park, also known as Mount Trashmore, is a well-known city park for outstanding BMX show-offs, located in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Mount Treshmore Park is one of the most well-known parks of Virginia Beach. Be one of the one million people who visit this park every year and feel the adventure. The park has something for everyone. You will find playground areas, picnic shelters, basketball court, four volleyball areas, parking, vending machines and restroom. The park also offers two lakes where fishing is permitted. Many people who are interested in something extreme, visit this park and more specifically the skate-park which is located in the northeast corner of the park .
The 24000 ft²/2230 m² skate park is all you  need for your BMX activity. The park is formed by treated wood and covered with composite material. It offers a street course, including an above-ground and a 4 ft (2.1 m) deep bowl. It also hosts a competition-sized vert ramp of over 4 m/13 ft high and 12 m/40 ft wide.  A major reason why you should visit this park is the fact that many professional skateboarders like Tony Hawk  have been there. You will be able to visit the park seven days a week from 7:30 am until sunset.
Start riding faster and faster and boost your adrenaline level to the highest level!!!