Kayaking in White River-Guzeripl, Maykop, Republic of Adygeya Russia

Level of difficulty:
1.5 hrs
Maykop is a city situated on the right bank of Belaya River, which is a tributary of the Kuban. It is the capital city of the Republic of Adygea in Russia.

When you find yourself into the unspoiled nature, the only thing you want to do, besides admiring the absolutely magnificent landscapes, is to explore it. One of the best ways of exploration is via water and specifically water sports. It is the best way to train, while being into this stunning beauty of the White River surroundings.

Whitewater kayaking, although it is an intense sport that leaves you without breath when it is over, it can also take you to heaven, over passing amazing vistas with the rivers’ speed. The pictures are alternating in crazy ways, creating a kaleidoscopic vision.

On White River in the part of Guzeripl, whitewater kayaking is one of the most popular sports on the big water. The route here is separated in two sections. The first section is a warm up with passing thresholds of grade 2-3. The second section is even harder with more thresholds and obstacles, so previous experience is recommended.

This amazing adventure can be performed solo or with other passengers to a three seat kayak. You will decide how you want to subdue the rough water.