Mount Shasta, Redding
Mount Shasta is located in northern California, east of Interstate 5 along SR89, between Mount Shasta city and McCloud city, California, USA.
Home > WATER SPORTS > Rafting > Pindul Cave, Yogyakarta
Pindul Cave located in the Bejiharjo Village promises a sensational adventure. If you thought rafting in a river is awesome, try rafting in a river that is located inside a cave!!! The cave is part of seven caves with an underground river flowing within. This funny and challenging experience is open to all ages and no experience is needed. Enjoy the caves beauty, panorama and with no doubt the stalagmites and stalactites while floating on the underground Pindul river.
While wading through the cold waters with limited light, the guide would narrate you the legend of the Pindul name and how it came to existence. Pindul Cave is a horizontal cave with a width of 5 m/16.4 ft, length of 350 m/1148 ft and a height of 4 m/13 ft. The river depths vary between 2-7 m/6.5-23 ft, although there are mixed information about these statics but most most sources confirm the maximum depth of 7 m/23 ft.
The general condition of cave is good with a dark valley in the middle and the river waters are considerably calm. The whole journey lasts for about an hour and is best conducted in the morning.
Mount Shasta is located in northern California, east of Interstate 5 along SR89, between Mount Shasta city and McCloud city, California, USA.
Salt River is a stream in the US in Arizona. This river is the largest tributary of Gila River. Today, this natural heritage is visited by many tourists.
Jacques Cartier River is a river in the province of Quebec, located at 161 km/100 mi (30 minutes) away from Quebec City. The river's springs are spotted close to Jacques Cartier Lake in Laurentides and the river flows in a southern direction in the Sainte Lawence River at Donnocona.
The Green Kalahari is located in the Northern Cape, bordering Namibia and Botswana. It is characterized by red dunes, mountain desert and grasslands. Green Kalahari boasts best of both worlds, unspoilt semi-desert with green vineyards at the fertile valley of Orange River and its shimmering waters, which thunder into a deep granite to form the mighty Augrabies Falls.
It goes without saying that rafting on the Noce River, during the summer season (from May to September) implies you are in the right place on the right time for unforgettable moments full of emotions. Descending the rivers of Dolomite area can be a real explosion of adrenaline. The safety rules are very specific and practitioners are invited to abide by at any moment.
Bali is a province in Indonesia with a few neighboring islands including the Isle of Bali. The island of Bali lies at about 8 degrees/ 0.13 radians on the south of equator and at 3.2 km/1.9 mi from Java. It is surrounded by coral reefs with white sand beaches on the south and black sand beaches on the north and the west of the island.
Java is the 5th largest island in Indonesia and the world's most populous as well. It acts as Indonesia's center of cultural and economic activity. Java is divided into four provinces, West Java, East Java, Central Java and Banted plus two additional special regions, Jakarta and Yogyakarta. Java is almost entirely of volcanic origin and lies between Sumatra to the west and Bali to the east.
Java is the 5th largest island in Indonesia and the world's most populous one as well. It acts as Indonesia's center of cultural and economic activity. Java is divided into four provinces, West Java, East Java, Central Java and Banted plus two additional special regions, Jakarta and Yogyakarta. Java is almost entirely of volcanic origin and lies between Sumatra to the west and Bali to the east.
Java is the 5th largest island in Indonesia and the world's most populous as well. It acts as Indonesia's center of cultural and economic activity. Java is divided into four provinces, West Java, East Java, Central Java and Banted plus two additional special regions, Jakarta and Yogyakarta. Java is almost entirely of volcanic origin and lies between Sumatra to the west and Bali to the east.
Pangandaran is one of West Java's best kept secrets, lying on the south coast of West Java at 91 km/56.5 mi away from the town of Ciamis. It gives in the Indian Ocean and lies halfway between Bandung and Yogyakarta. Characterized by unique black and white sand, calmed waved beaches and spectacular sunsets, it is also a renowned surfing destination.
Java is the 5th largest island in Indonesia and the world's most populous as well. It acts as Indonesia's center of cultural and economic activity. Java is divided into four provinces, West Java, East Java, Central Java and Banted, plus two additional special regions, Jakarta and Yogyakarta. Java is almost entirely of volcanic origin and lies between Sumatra to the west and Bali to the east.