The picturesque city of St Petersburg is getting ready to welcome the 5th Act of the 2016 Extreme Sailing Series. Right in the middle of the majestic city lies the Neva River. A narrow stadium racetrack of about 800 x 300 meters will accommodate the race.

The river’s natural two-knots current and the varying winds – with some really hard ones blowing from the west – make the event an extra interesting one. Skills, endurance and tactics will be key aspects to secure the win.
The fleet will be racing with the world renowned Palace Embankment, the Winter Palace and the Peter and Paul Fortress in the background, situated between the Troitskiy and Drovtsovyy bridges.

You can watch the exciting race from the Race Village – opening on September 1st – located on Zayachii island, at Peter and Paul Fortress, right in the heart of St Petersburg.

As always, action will be live on the Extreme Sailing Series™ website ‘LIVE’ page. Visit the ‘Live’ page for live video, as well as for live streaming of the SAP Sailing Analytics and dynamic leader boards. ‘Stadium Racing’ will be on live streaming and with expert commentary and analytics from the event’s technical partner SAP.

For the social media followers, follow the event’s twitter handle @extremesailing to catch up with all the on-water actions as it happens. Use the #extremesailing hashtag to comment etc.
Good luck to all competitors!!