Tampa is a big city located near Mexico Gulf, on the west coast of Florida. It is surrounded by two bodies of water that flow into the Gulf of Mexico, offering a subtropical climate, with hot humid days during summer and light freezes during winter.
The city is very well organized in regard to activities and recreational parks. According to Forbes magazine, it is the 5th best outdoor city in the United States. Not far from the city of Tampa, an incredible underground spring is located and it is called the Devil’s Den.
It is one’s of the North America’s most prehistoric spots and is situated inside a dry cave. This natural wonder is the perfect destination for cave diving in a place where remains of extinct animals were found as well as many impressive stalactites, caverns and openings to explore.
The temperature of the water is at 71.6°F /22°C all year round and when the weather is cold, you can see the steams coming out from the cave’s chimney. There are four underwater passages that spread under the pool on the opening, with minimum depth at 5 ft/1.5 m and maximum depth at 90 ft/27 m with good visibility.
Devil’s Den is a breathtaking dive, suitable only for divers holding an open water certification. There are sections marked with singes and lead you underwater and sections that are closed. Do not attempt to go through passages with danger singes or fences, because there is a good chance you get lost or stuck. It is best to book an organized dive and enjoy safely this truly exciting adventure. You can dive this spot all year round.